Photo credit: marketing-interactive
The football news in Singapore is here to provide the latest happening in the world of Singaporean football in which considering as the main and popular sport in the country. Some observers within the league said that the Lion City Sailors will provide local kick scenario however, the ability to work successfully will be crucial on this matter. The completely private ownership club, the former Home United and now the new owner named to Lion City Sailors, their arrival into Singapore’s football league would be considered to ignite the spark and improve the local game from the stagnant team, this was stated by the members of the fraternity to The Straits Times on February 15, 2020. This new entry club was operated by billionaire Forrest Li, and was declared on Thursday that they will be replacing Home United within the SPL or Singapore Premier League. Mr. Forrest is the chairman, founder and chief executive of Sea, produced in one’s own garden and the internet company market price is more than US$21 billion while in S$29.2 billion also they manage the team. Philippe Aw, National Under-15 coach, he played 1999 to 2002 for Home and consumed nine years as their young and 1st club coach, the 42-year-old admired the move and stated: